Archive for 2014-01-26

Coursera is a for-profit educational technology company offering massive open online courses (MOOCs) founded by computer science The website provides free online courses including Humanities, Medicine, ...
Hello !! I AM Killa Planet.I m from the depths of south texas . I compose music .I have created the collective Aqua Lean Konquer Force and many more.    Check out my link : ...
Demis Hassabis, computer scientist, who struck $498 mn deal with Google for his secretive start-up Deep Mind  A former child chess prodigy and computer game designer from London has sold his...
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About Robotics Notes


  • Mobile Robots:Inspiration to Implementation by Joseph L.Jones,Anita M.Flynn,Bruce A.Seiger(published by A.K.Peters Ltd.) Build your Own Robot! By Karl Lunt(published by A.K.Peters Ltd.) Robot Builder’s Bonanza by Gordon McComb(published by McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics) Getting Started in Electronics by Forrest Mims III(Published by Radio Shack Corp.)

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