Posted by : Poonam Khatti Sunday, 19 January 2014

Thinkmodo created a clever campaign for upcoming film 'Devil's Due' in which a horrible robotic infant screams, vomits and flips the bird at bystanders. The YouTube video has collected more than 4 million views in one day.


Talk about a demon seed. This animatronic baby terrorized the streets of New York City for a viral marketing campaign.

Talk about a demon seed. This animatronic baby terrorized the streets of New York City for a viral marketing campaign by Thinkmodo.

The terrible 2s came early for this bogus baby.
An animatronic infant wreaked havoc on the streets New York City for a viral marketing campaign that scared the hell out of some bystanders.

The robotic baby was placed in an abandoned stroller — and when people went to check on it, the baby sat up and started growling.

The robotic baby was placed in an abandoned stroller — and when people went to check on it, the baby sat up and started growling.

The “devil baby” — cruising around the streets in a remote control stroller — would lie in wait for an unsuspecting person to check on the child before pouncing, growling and sometimes even flipping the bird.

Like any satanic infant, the child could projectile vomit at a moment’s notice.

Like any satanic infant, the child could projectile vomit at a moment’s notice.

The shocked reactions were captured on camera and posted on YouTube as a promotion for the upcoming Eli Roth film “Devil’s Due,” set to be released Friday.

"One lady decided to cover up the baby with a blanket while another gentleman just stood there, processing the grotesque look of the baby," Thinkmodo co-founder Michael Krivicka told Yahoo! “People were totally cool with being in the video after getting the living hell scared out of them. Each reaction ended with a laugh, and everyone loved the look of the baby."
Krivicka’s team has done peculiar promotions before, including hacking video screens in Times Square for “Limitless” and simulating flying people for “Chronicle.”

The link to original website -Read more:

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