Posted by : Poonam Khatti
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Super Dad' Photo Goes Viral
And now, the man at the center of this picture, which went wildly viral, is also at the center of a passionate debate about parenting roles, a topic he himself addressed on "Katie."
"We really need to change the narrative on what fatherhood is all about," Doyin Richards explained on the show. "Get more changing tables in men's bathrooms, do all these things to help celebrate the great dads of the world."
He says the photo was a snapshot of his life at home in Los Angeles.
"I was on paternity leave in October, and my wife was getting ready for work," Richards recalled. "So I said, 'I will do Emmyko's hair, and I'll put Reeko in the Ergo and handle it."
Richards then posted the photo on his blog, "Daddy Doin' Work," writing, "I have a dream that people will view a picture like this and not think it's such a big deal."
But it was. The photo received more than 452,000 "Likes" on Facebook.
The feedback, however, wasn't all positive. Comments ranged from "He probably rented those kids. They don't even look like him" to "Don't change a thing man. You're a great dad."
"I think we're making progress in terms of men not only putting up with that role but embracing it," said parenting expert Karyn Gordon. "It's a perfect, beautiful picture, a model for what a lot of us can actually strive for."
Richards said he'd like to see this debate change typical dad stereotypes from the overly macho to the helplessly bumbling.
"Enough of the negativity," he said on "Katie." "We need to get the great dads of the world, and let them know that there's more out there. I'm just one of many."
The most masculine thing of all, he said, was being man enough to do what has often been labeled as women's work.